My, my, how good it feel to be back in a civilized enviornment again!! Oh, wait, I guess I didn't properly introduce myself, my name is Odysseus. Yes I know what you are thinking, and to answer your question, I am the man who my son has been blogging about for the past few years. Unfortunatley though, I have yet to see what a strapping young lad he has become becuase I have been stranded on an island with tht awful possesive Goddess, Kalypso for the past ten years! Anyway, no sense in worrying about the past, starting today I hope to recapture my various journeys with you through this unbelievable invention called a "blog", funny name, isn't it? So in a short summary of my day, I was very impressed with the hospitality of the Phaiakian people and their king, Alkinoos. The king's warm personality surley made me feel comfortable in my new enviornment, (and the fact that he gave me a ship to sail home in didn't hurt either!) As if that wasn't enough, Alkinoos invited hundreds of counselors and other nobles to a feast and a celebration of games in my honor that very same evening!! The evening started off well until this idiot harper Demodokos decided to bring up an age old stroy about a quarrell Achilles and I had. And let me tell you, that really put a downer on the evening, but that's all water under the bridge now, because the rest of the night proved to be a night to remember. I creamed this young athlete at a discus throw, (proves age is just a number doesn't it? Haha!) and enjoyed watching wrestling matches and races, the most fun I have had in years. However, as much as you don't want them to, all evening's must come to a close, and this one was no different. Each Phaikian guest then presented me with a gift to take with me on my travels. My, I have never seen such kind and forgiving people in my entire life! They showered upon me chests, cloaks and bottles of delicious wines much to my delight, of course. In return I showered them with thanks and good wishes, hoping that one day I will be back to visit these dear people, hopefully under much lighter circumstances.
Good Day.
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